- Peter Tevlin
- Sunday, May 11, 2008
Gracious God,
We thank you for adopting us into your family through the miracle of your grace, and for calling us to be brothers and sisters to each other.
Today, loving God, we pray for our mother:
who brought us into, then gave us the whole world
who cared for us when we were helpless
who comforted us when we were hurt
whose love and care we often took for granted
who loved our father so strongly for a lifetime
who loved you and prayed always to you and to your mother, the blessed virgin Mary
who lived your loving example and taught us the same
who we miss daily, especially this day.
Today, we also pray for:
ourselves, each other; who are grieving the loss of our mother at our side
all who have lost their parents from this earth
those who have experienced the wonder of an adopted mother's love
for families separated by war or conflict
for those at home while loved ones are far away
for health and your many blessings for Amy, Ken and their new life forthcoming
for your broad and magnificent arms to envelope us all in a great big hug, wherever we may be
Lord, please continue to bestow your special blessings upon us all. Keep us united with you and with each other,
so that we can be and become all that we are meant to be. Amen.
- Matt Roberts
- Lead Guitar 3 Doors Down
- Friday, December 07, 2007
Hope you have good holidays my man. I know it’s been a tough time this year for you and your family, but want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers buddy
- John McLoughlin
- Monday, November 26, 2007
I was sorry to hear the sad news about Mary Anna, I was out of the country the early part of November. I will always remember Mary Anna as a great volunteer to Operation Liftoff. But what stands out even more was her pleasant and upbeat outlook. She was always a joy to be around.
Mary Anna was a great help to the children of Operation Liftoff and an inspiration to the volunteers of Operation Liftoff.
Georgia Faust and Family
- Thursday, November 08, 2007
Dear Leo, Lou and family, I just heard the news and called my mom to
tell her. She was so sorry to hear about Mary Anna. I know mom will
want to contact you on her own, but I thought I'd go ahead and write
a note here. It's obvious you all are so close and have such a
strong faith - I hope you all can truly feel comfort from above and
from all the prayers and well wishes from your friends. You
certainly are all blessed to have each other on earth and in heaven.
Take care and God bless. Love, Kelly (Faust) Maue
- Denise (Schmidt) Crocker
- Thursday, November 08, 2007
Dear Tevlin Family, My prayers are with you during this difficult time. Mary Anna was a wonderful woman. I never saw her without a smile on her face. I remember at all the family picnics and family gathering we would talk about all the special places she traveled. She seemed to know about what everyone was doing and was always excited to hear about what was going on in everyone lives.
She will truly be missed.
We love you!
- George & Laurie Manoli
- Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Dear Tevlin Family,
I remember the times when aunt Mary Anna would call me to let me know when I would be on t.v trying out for Walt Disney World on Ice. It made my heart smile that she was so thoughtful and kind. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Light & Love George & Laurie Manoli
- Charlie Herwig
- Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Leo, Lou
Never got the honor of meeting Mary Anna, but by reading the daily log and these expressions of love, I know she was, and is an Angel from God.
Leo, Lou will occasionally let me know what your up to, and when he does, i can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice that you are everything to him.
- Jan (Wieschhaus) Schultheiss
Dear Mary and Family, I was so sorry to hear about your mother. Dad gave me the notice in the paper this morning and thought I would like to know. I spent many hours at your house when we were growing up and your parents were the sweetest people. I lost my mom last year so we know your pain. We will keep you, and your family, in our thoughts and prayers.
- chris llewellyn november6,2007
dear aunt maryanna and tevlin family, we were very sorry to hear of your passing. you and your family are in our thoughts and prayer. you were very kind and generous to all who knew you. what a wonderful and full life you had. GOD BLESS all of you especially in this time of sorrow. Take care of yourselves and each other. the llewellyns-christopher, christine, alexander, and zachary
Prayer for my Mother-In- Law (and friend) Mary Anna,
Dear God,
You're loving guidance is the reason for the many fine qualities
of the Tevlin family!
Through your love and patient instruction, you did your very
best to gently polish away any rough edges.
Lord, please bless Mary Anna for the endless hours of time she
spent and the boundless energy she invested.
Bless her for her unconditional love and for just being the
warm, beautiful woman she was.
Bless her for always being there for comfort, encouragement, or
just a hug.
Bless her for making a home for all to feel safe, and where I
felt I belonged.
Most of all, Lord, bless her for her unfailing faith, and for
frequently showing love in ways that made me feel valued and
Thank you Mary Anna for leaving me your son Peter, for he
brings me life as once you did for him, he is the wonderful man
I call my husband and father of our children; Kyle, Shannon and
Your memory will help us
love along.
Lord, please wrap her in your infinite love and shower her with
I love her, admire her, and respect her and will truly miss her.
In Jesus' name I pray; Amen. Kim Tevlin
- David, Julie, Stefanie & Sawyer Hunt
- Monday, November 05, 2007
Leo, Donna, Andrew & Laura: Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Reading all these wonderful things everyone has said about her makes her a very special person. What a wonderful life she has had! And all these memories...may they keep your spirits high during this trying time.
- The Fitzgerald Family
Susan Fitzgerald
Monday, November 05, 2007
Dear Tevlin Family, I was so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. She was a truly remarkable woman. I remember riding in the carpool with Amy to the Academy of the Sacred Heart. We packed 6 kids and whatever lucky parent had carpool duty that day into one car for the trip from Normandy to St. Charles. I'm sure we tried the patience of each and every parent in that carpool. But Mrs. Tevlin never lost her cool. She was always a very upbeat and spiritual lady. I hope the happy memories you all have will help you in this time of mourning. Our
thoughts amd prayers are with you. God Bless You! Love,
Elaine, Susan, and Kathleen Fitzgerald
- Sherry Whitely
Dear Tevlin Family,
Our hearts were saddened when we received this e-mail today from Pat Williams. Bob and I had no idea your wife/mother was so ill. Our thoughts and prayers go out to each of you. We will always remember how loving and hospitable your mom always was. We will always think about the times she had us over to your house and the joy that she shared with her family and all who knew her. Bob and I would be so excited to see your parents at St. Ann's church once in awhile after their move, they always seemed to brighten the church up with their loving nature. May God's blessings and peace be with all of you during this difficult time in your lives. I will always remember your mom and dad helping my sister Sue in her time of need. They are true Christians in every sense of the word. We now have another saint in heaven and a guardian angel on earth.
Love, Bob and Sherry Whitely
- Steve Pecher
I was sorry to hear of your mom's passing. My mom passed away two years ago and I know it is not easy. I guess Rosemary and Mary Anna can recall the great times their kids had playing soccer. The lord now has two wonderful people to have coffee with each
morning. Take care of yourselves. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
- Dr. Brian and Angela Miller
It is with a heavy heart that I hear of Mary Annas passing, but with relief to know that it was peaceful. I know that she truly wanted to fight and give it her best shot, but there was always something in her eyes that told me she was ready. Im glad to have been a part in her life and a couple of entries in the 'notebook'. God bless your family. You are in our prayers.
- Ed & Marilee Viehman
Leo, Donna and Tevlin Family,
So very sorry to hear about Mary Anna. What a beautiful person, always had a SMILE on her face. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. God bless you all!
Love, Ed & Marilee Viehman
- LaVonne M. Frigo
- Sunday, November 04, 2007
Mary Anna and her wonderful family will be remembered in my prayers. I know Mary Anna has been welcomed in heaven by all of the children she has helped volunteering her time for Operation Liftoff. Peace be with all of you.
- Matt Roberts - Lead Guitar - 3 Doors Down
I'm sorry Lou, I know u guys were as prepared as u can be for this but it still can't be easy. God Bless, your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
- Stephen Wen
To the Tevlins.
My heartfelt condolences during a trying time. It was an honor to be part of Ms. Tevlin's care.
- Barb Anderson
- Saturday, November 03, 2007
Although I didn't know Mary Anna personally, my prayers and thoughts are with you, Leo, and your family. She accompanied you to the KSD luncheons, where we shared many laughs and remembrances, so I hope you will continue the tradition of laughter with old friends.
- Deacon Chuck & Vickie
Dear Linda,
We were so sorry to hear about your Mom. You were very blessed to be able to spend the last couple of weeks with her. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and may God envelop you and your family with His peace and comfort.
Deacon Chuck & Vickie
- roy hawk
To the Tevlin family: May God bless your family during this difficult time. She is with God now. Couldn't be a better place to be. Praying for you all. roy hawk and family.
- Susan Dorko Intravaia
I remember when I was young and our family would go down to St. Louis to visit Mary Anna, Leo and the family. We always had so much fun. Mary Anna and my mom were so very close, we could see and feel the love. She will be missed as I miss my mom and dad. My
heartfelt sorrow goes out to all of you on this sad occasion.
- Scott Knopfel
To the Tevlins, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Mary Ann was a very nice person, and although I only met her a few times, she was always so friendly and nice, and I was glad that I was able to know her. She was a true inspiration in the help and friendship she gave to everyone. I kind of got a feeling that she's up in Heaven tending to God's 'Operation Lift Off' Store.
Peace be with all of you!
Scott Knopfel
To Leo, my NASCAR buddy.
I it always a sad time in life to have a loved one pass away. Your Mom will always be in your heart. My grandmother once told me, "Cry at birth, and Rejoice at death". This is very true. Rejoice now, knowing she is with God. God calls us home when we are needed to fill his kingdom.
I love ya man,
Tim Cook
- The Casey family, Mike, Judy and Kevin
Dear Tevlins,
Our prayers are with you in this difficult time. Your Mom and your family have been in our thoughts.
Growing up in St. Ann's parish it was always a pleasure to see your folks, your Mom always had a warm, welcoming smile. I fondly remember that your Mom always marked special occasions, birthdays, anniversaries, by sending a card. She is at peace now with the Lord. God bless her.
- Mary Sommer
Dearest relatives,
I'm sadden by the loss of your Mom and do know what to lose a parent feels like. The best reward is she was home with all her kids and loved ones with her. My dearest memories as a kid was visiting St. Louis with Mom and Dad, Eddie, Ken, Joe and Janine to see you all and of course famous Six flags!. These are treasured memories of all our visits and I'm grateful for them. I love you all and my prayers and sympathy are with you. Love your cousin-Mary Helene (Hozzian) crowd!!!!
- Anita Staniec
Dear Nancy and Family
I am very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you
- Ray Hoffstetter
Leo, My deepest sympathy. It is very hard to loose someone with who you have spent so much of your life. The only consolation isnthat she spent most of her life with you.
Love, Peace and Prayers.
- Rick, Kathy, Ricky, William and Joshua Heyman
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!”
“Gone where?”
Gone from my sight. That is all.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout:
“Here she comes!”
And that is dying.
Henry Van Dyke
We are sorry to hear of the passing of your Mother. May you find comfort in God's Love.
Rick, Kathy, Ricky, William and Joshua Heyman
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!”
“Gone where?”
Gone from my sight. That is all.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: “There, she is gone!” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout:
“Here she comes!”
And that is dying.
Henry Van Dyke
We are sorry to hear of the passing of your Mother. May you find comfort in God's Love.
- Mike, Colleen & Michael Heyman
Leo, Donna, Andrew & Laura~ Much love and sympathy to you and your family in your time of loss. A Mother's love never leaves, it only grows stronger and sweeter with time. Leo, you wrote an amazing and loving tribute to your Mother as only a son can do - she was truly a one of a kind. You all have been blessed to have had her touch your lives. May your loving memories, stories and thoughts keep her ever present in your hearts.
- Barbara McInerney
Though I never met your mother, I feel that I did after reading the wonderful comments here.
Your family was and is blessed to have had such a wonderful, loving, and caring mother. Mrs. Tevlin obviously instilled faith, strong values
and family devotion in her children. Apparently,those who knew her, to include coworkers, neighbors and extended family, loved and appreciated her kindness.
It doesn't matter how old we are when we lose a parent, it is always too soon.
God bless you and your family. My prayers are with you.
- Chas Weatherby
Lou and Family,
I send my deepest condolences and sympathy during your time of grieving. The loss of a special person such as your Mom is always a difficult and trying period for those of us left behind, but there is also a bright and wonderful side to her passing. Rejoice with her as I am sure she would wish, as there are no more tubes, IV's and the like. She is in a better and well deserved place watching over you all as she was born to do. Charlie and all of us in the Weatherby family send our love and I am here if I can lend an ear or be of any comfort. God bless you and your family and may peace reside with you.
- Mickey & Charles Glueck
Our dear Linda, We extend to you and your entire family our sincere sympathy during this time of sadness. We are grateful to God that you were able to be with your Mom during her last days. May God's everlasting love embrace you all and bring peace, knowing that your Mom is with her gracious Father in Heaven. What a blessing to you all to have been able to be together and share this special time. Our prayers will be with you as you go through the next days and weeks. We love you!
- Kathi McDonald
Type here
Dear Lou and Family,
I am so sorry to hear the sad news, but am so grateful that all of you were able to be together as Mary Anna passed on. I wish I could be at her Memorial Service on Tuesday, but know that I will be there in spirit, as I am just too far away from St. Louis. I send much love and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
- Cousins John & Carrie Sasenick
- Thursday, November 01, 2007
Leo, Anna Lee, Linda, Mary Celeste, Leo, Peter, Lou and Amy, Our deepest sympathy and love to you all. Our Damask Rose, Mary Anna, has now gone to the heavenly garden to be with God. Her gentle smile, twinkling beautiful blue eyes and soft spoken words have been carried to heaven but I will never forget. She is within you all and your families and thus will forever be with us. Your tribute to her is the lives you live beaming forth her love of you and God to all you meet and touch. Thank you for sharing her with all of us. Love, John and Carrie and Family
Hi Pete,
I just talked to Joanne and she let me know
your mom passed yesterday. My heart aches with you and your
family. It's hard to imagine not having easy access to her life
spirit. I know that I find comfort in the knowledge of a wonderful
reunion one day in heaven. I plan to spend several thousand years
catching up with my sister Mary! We know that no matter how
prepared you think you are for this, there really is nothing you can
do but try to make it through each moment. I remind my grief
clients to remember to breath - we tend to take very shallow breath
during this time - so try to take a nice long deep breath from time
to time. And I also tell them to drink water. Grieving is
physiologically dehydrating. So, remember to drink water -- these
two simple things truly helped me get through Mary, Dad, Mom and
Joel. That and the faith that we'll see each other again.
Please give my love to your brothers and
sisters. Especially to your dad - an extra hug please. I'll try
calling him in the next few days. I know that I'm poor at staying
in touch, but I love you all so very much.
I'm so sorry that you are going through
this. All my love and God's precious mercy to you,
Cathy (Guerra) Hart
Ken and Mary Beth
We received your news with great sadness. I
still remember Aunt Mary Anna first welcoming into (and warning me
about) the family over 40 years ago. Can you imagine the
difference between meeting Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary Anna and trying
to figure out who was who? Whereas Dan was loud and boisterous,
Mary Anna was quiet and had a great calming effect. This calming
effect was greatly needed because I so badly wanted to make a good
impression and I was scared stiff. Our prayers are with her and
the entire family. Mary Beth was especially sadden and wishes
only the best. My own mother is going through dialysis three times
per week and I see how it weakens her and causes nausea.
Loretta (Halsig) Sandstrom
Leo, Anna Lee, Linda, Mary, Leo II, Peter, Lou and Amy we extend our deepest sympathy to you all and to your extended families. Knowing that Mary Anna is surrounded by God's love bring some peace to you. Being together during these sad days with each other to lean on is a blessing, along with all the wonderful memories you have of your wife and mother. You are in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all. Loretta and Dave Sandstrom
- Nancy June
- Thursday, November 01, 2007
Dearest Tevlins,
Peter just called to let me know and I extend my deepest sympathy to Leo and all the kids and their families.
So many of my best childhood memories involve your family. I remember always getting so excited when we were traveling and on our way to St. Louis. As an only child, being in the presence of the Tevlin clan was always fun. So much fun was had when the parents would go to the Showboat and leave the kids at home. Being home alone was a treat in itself! Spending hours watching late night “horror” movies on the little black and white TV on the front porch. And the time y’all came to Garden Grove and the “moms” took the kids to Knott’s Berry Farm in our VW Beetle! All I remember was that I was in “the well” with either Peter or Louie and we were just packed into that car. What fun!
Mary Anna was such a kind soul and I know God has delivered her to the special place He had already chosen for her. I’m also quite sure my mom and dad were part of her greeting committee!
May the Peace of the LORD be with each of you in your time of sorrow.
- Charlie Weatherby and Family
- Thursday, November 01, 2007
Dear Mrs Tevlin,
The short time that I spent with you and your family on my visit to St. Louis is one that I will cherish forever. It gave me an insight on how great a mother you must have been to have raised a son like Lou. Lou is my agent as I am sure you remember. After that visit my eyes were totally opened to the understanding of your families love and compassion that has made Lou who he is today. The bond Lou and I share is much more than that of the typical player agent bond. We are more like brothers making you my
surrogate mom. I have and will continue to pray for you and your family. May God take you into his loving arms and bless your family with the joy and memories of your life.
- Susan (Halsig) Latham
- Thursday, November 01, 2007
Leo, Anna Lee, and all the family, you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. May you find peace and comfort in God and your faith in the everlasting life He has taken your dear wife and mother to. May you also find peace and comfort in each other and in the blessing of being together during this difficult time. May God bless and hold you all close. Again sending our love and prayers to you all Bob and Susan Latham.
- Sharon Price Parker
- Thursday, November 01, 2007
Dear Uncle Lee and family,
You have all been in my thoughts and prayer today. Just read that Aunt Mary Anna has gone to the Lord. Sure hope she puts in a good word for us left behind. I'm sure she had quite a welcoming committee up there in heaven! Looking forward to
seeing everyone on Tuesday. Will continue to pray for all of the family. Love and hugs, Sharon Price Parker
- Bob Carter/TWA/STL Seniors
- Thursday, November 01, 2007
LEO, and all the family.
It with sadness that we hear of the passing of a member of the TWA/STL family. As a members of the St. Louis family we shall miss her.
Remember she is now at peace with her Lord.
Rosita Lewis
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Type here To each of the Tevlin Family,
especially - Amy, please know that my heart goes out to you with
prayers and strong faith that all are in God's hand and perfect
will. May all our prayers and faith sustain each of you during these
difficult days.
Dear Mary Anna, Barbara, Tina, and Myself would like to extend the our most special wishes and prayers for you on this special day of ALL SOULS DAY. You Have been a great inspiration to all of your children, and i am so proud to have your DAUGHTER as my DAUGHTER-IN-LAW. She is that reflection of you, your kindness and love shines through her every day. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you right now, MAY GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU SAFE....TOM,BARB,AND TINA MYERS
Dawn Ritter (Parker)
Dearest Aunt Mary Anna and the whole Tevlin Family, What an AWESOME
testimony of what God can do... To get to share so much love with so many. We have all been raised to know that God comes first and then its all about family!!! We have been blessed with AMAZING Tevlin women and a family that no matter what the battle you never face it alone. Our prayers go out to you all. May God wrap His arms around you and comfort you through this difficult time. With all my love and prayers, Dawn Marie Type here
Kathi McDonald
Dear Mrs. O'Shevlin,
How much I loved knowing you and being a part of your family for a short time when Leo and I worked together at Channel 4 so many years ago. The time was a highlight of my life and part of it is because of the love you and Leo shared for each other, for your wonderful family and people (like me) who were part of your lives. Please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers as you spend this special time together. Much love and gratitude from Jerusalem.
Sharon Price Parker
Dear Aunt Mary Anna, Uncle Lee, and all,
My heart is full of love and prayers for all of you! I remember staying with Linda overnight just before Christmas. We went into the kitchen where you had shoeboxes stacked on top of the refrigerator. You asked what size I wore, and I got one of cookies from that box ( a gingerbread man!). Thank you so very much for letting me stay all those years ago and for all the advice you gave me when I asked. Your soft-spoken voice helped me many times when I raised my own children. You all continue to be in my daily prayers. Love and Hugs,
Sharon Price Parker
Dearest Mary Anna,
This is from Ray, Lee's closest friend, I hope. I have never met any better people on this earth as the children you have raised, I hope someday I can be as special as they have become. I can only wish that I was there when they were growing up so I could have learned the special things about life and love as you have taught them. But, through them, through you, I have learned about life. You are so special, you are a light in a world of darkness, you have kindled a spark in this world that will burn for eternity. All my Love..Ray
- Theresa, Mark and Ceci Prator in Los Angeles
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Dearest Aunt Mary Anna and family, We send our love from California and keep you in our prayers and rosaries. I awaken each day with thoughts and prayers for all of you, and will continue the "conversations in spirit" as I have done as a result of long distance and as I now do with Cliff and your Aunt Re and Uncle Mark (our mom and dad). I picture loving arms extended to receive Aunt Mary Anna from our loving arms here on earth. I am so grateful for our faith together, and think that Grandma Tevlin must be smiling down on us to realize that all that Holy Water that she sprinkled on us Guerras as we ran through the house fighting and screaming at each other finally took! (We knew the Tevlin children never had fights.)All opur love,
- Terry Gannon
Thank you all for sharing these most precious moments with your mom. You are all in our prayers. At mass on Sunday I remembered all the Sundays we spent together in prayer with your family. Kloepfers and Tevlins co-mingled in the back of Church. I thought of all of our summers together around the pool. The many conversations we had and how much the Tevlins have all been a part of our lives. I will never forget the advice your mom would give me on how to raise my children. There all in their 30's now. Maybe it does take a neighborhood to raise a child. As we approach November 5th how will I ever forget that the Tevlins missed our wedding in order to give birth to Amy. We love you all. You are all in our prayers. Tevlin, Gannon, Kloepfer family memories will never be forgotten.
- Marvin and Olive Doering
Dear Tevlin family, I offer my humble prayers in this moment of your distress and longing. I wish for the highest honor for the soul of Mary Anna and for the solace of the
grieving family.
your friend,Marv
- Maryann Kennerknecht
Type here
Mary Anna was wonderful to work with..... she had a kind
word for everyone, even if I did not.... She and Leo and
than Amy were always very kind to me..... She even let Leo
keep me from falling all over myself on the skating rink...
My love to you and God bless
- Ollie Raymand
"The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away...Blessed be the name of the Lord!"
I'm so sorry for the turn of events.
Please accept the prayers of my family, for yours.
Ollie Raymand. www.raymand.com
- Berne Llewllyn
My Dear Aunt, God-Mother & Friend,
You know you are so loved....your soul and heart are fully blessed. Your body has served it's purpose and now you soul is ready to soar homeward bound. You have packed your suitcases with wonderful memories have surrounded yourself with love, dressed yourself in the armor of faith, put on the shoes of hope, gathered the floral bouquet of prayers to lay at the feet of your King.He has loved your soul( the true essence of you) since the fondation of time.You are eternal and LOVED by THE MOST HIGH GOD!All of our loved ones along with the Saints, Angels will come to welcome you home. You have always known that this life was a classroom of learning and you have gleened all that you needed to return to the KINGDOM of your first and best love. The Bridegroom Jesus awaits the good and faithful servant. Your children, family and friends rise up and call you Blessed. Tell Mom hello and that we are all doing fine, give her a kiss & hugs from us. We will see you again on the other side. All my love to all of our family.
- Jane May
Type here
Dear Mary Anna:
Yesterday when I heard the news of your illness I was deeply touched. As a next door neighbor of yours for 25 years I was able to witness what a wonderful example you, Leo and your family were for not only the close neighborhood but for the entire community. There was no hesitation on your part to assist us when we needed help. You were always there for me and my family. When I think over the years, it brings joy to my heart to remember the number of good times we experienced. Not only were we connected in the neighborhood but with your urging I became part of your TWA family. Because of this I was able to take my family several times to Ireland which as you know was Chris' birth place. We were able to get to know his family and Chris was so grateful that you suggested I apply at TWA. I know that God blessed me and my family when He placed us next door to you and your family. I will always be thankful. I offered my Mass today for you and your family and will continue to do so daily. You are truly one of Gods special people. May He bless you and your family. All my love, Jane
- Ken Wilkey
You are all in my prayers and I hope that as a family you will find peace in your wonderful memories of so many good times you shared with Mary Anna. Its obvious from your words that she is a loving Mother and Wife. Leo and Lou, bless you and may you find strength to get through this difficult time.
Ken Wilkey
- William Fenton
Your devotion to your mother and God's love has always been evident by the way you all live, a direct result of how you were raised by your parents. Death is not an end but a new experience filled with love and light, I have no doubts. So tell Mary Anna to say
hello to dad for me and I'll see him when my adventure in living is done and I get to go home.
Toni Feldmann
Mary Anna, You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. All your old TWA Friends are thinking of you at this difficult time. Toni Scott Feldmann
Ann Flynn
Dear Tevlin Family,
I remember Mary Anna many years ago at TWA. She was quiet and friendly with a soft smile. She was so proud of her family and very excited when she learned that God was to bless her again. That would be Amy. At that time I wondered how she did it working and a big family. Her faith never wavered and brought her to this acceptance of God' love for her. Our trip to the
Canonization in 1988 was a wonderful and remarkable experience. Although our lives have taken us in different directions Leo & Amy can recall the special bonding we all shared.
Your Mother did her job as asked of her with humility and love. She will be received with Open Arms. Pray to her. She will always be with you.
Be assured of my prayers for all!
God Bless-
Ann Flynn
- Jeanette Smith
Dear Mary Anna and the Tevlin Family,
I just found out from Mom that you are ill and God is opening his arms to accept you. It is with a sad heart that we must let you go. It would be selfish to want you to stay. You have done your work. Your walk on this earth has been incredible, you have touched so many. I am honored to have you as a God Mother. I aspire to have your faith.
You have touched my family in so many ways. Coming to our children's baptisms, and first communions. Remembering us with your cards you have sent to remember my birthday and anniversaries always makes me smile.
I remember some fun times at your house, all the kids doing their own thing,
magic shows, pets, games, a typical crazy day at your wonderful house with your wonderful family! Going to Six Flags for my sixteenth birthday,
coming to your house as I graduated college to iron my gown at the last minute (who would know when I picked it up the gown would be all wrinkled?).
We love you Mary Anna and are all the richer for having had you in our lives. God Bless You and your Family.
Love, Jeanette Fenton Smith
Clayton Price
Dear Mrs Tevlin or should I say mom. You were my second family during Leo's and my high school years. I'm sure you worried about us more than we know, but its plain to see that you raised an amazing family. Family was always first in your mind and when we messed up you had no problem letting us know. You treated me as one of your own. You opened your home and heart to many people over the years. This will come back to you ten fold in these last precious hours. My families prayers are with you and your family.
God Bless you all! Clayton Price
- Pat Bishop
Mary Anna,
The last time I saw you was at the TWA picnic a couple years ago.
I had no idea your health was in such a fragile state.
I will pray for strength and peace for you and your family.
God's Peace.
- Colleen Casey and Steve and William Hambuchen
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
From Colleen (daughter of Rosemarie Tevlin Casey). Our thoughts and prayers are with you Mary Anna here in Portland, Oregon. It was always so fun to know we had neighborhood cousins and to run into you at St. Ann events. I was always intrigued by Leo's Ham radio gadgets and thought it was so exotic to get the Irish lace from you when you would visit Ireland with TWA. May your days at home be filled with love, memories, peace, and comfort. I know my mom, Re, and Sissy (Adele Tevlin Howell) are looking down on you with their blessings as well.
Leo Joseph Tevlin II
Dear Mom.
Just wanted to say what a great honor is to be your first son and how I will always treasure the time we have had together.
From my some of my first memories, to my last, here are just a few I wanted recall:
Getting stitched on Christmas Day…..you were there for me and knew you would always be able to identify your son. Then showing the whole City of Florissant how long I could hold my breath under water in the backyard pool.
I can still remember your lullabies and rubbing noses for several minutes. The hours and Hours of BACK SCRATCHES during lightning storms.
To the trips by County Hospital for the follow-up X-Rays every six months, and numerous other Doctor Appointments and Shoe Store visits to Mr. Quinn’s so you could be sure I walked upright.
Walks down St. Jean and St. Francios to the Hobby shop and to Sacred Heart and Hendell’s Market. Or to Bettendorf Wraps and S&H Stamp.
The numerous weekends at Union Station; Art classes at the Art Museum; then helping with the homework projects. You made sure I got chores done, or you know what!
You’re helping out at St. Ann’s School was appreciated and remembered, as well as your dedication to the church, and leading by example. I knew the Thursday devotions at St. Paul’s with Our Lady of Perpetual Help were to also help me with my faith, and keep me on the right path.
I will never forget getting bundled up to go downtown to see the Trains in the windows. Wow, maybe a milkshake at Woolworths too!
Easter Egg Hunts, Halloween Costumes, Thanksgiving Meals, Chocolate from Crown Candy Kitchens, Parades, and Valentines. All so Uniquely CREATIVE with STYLE!
I appreciate all your sweet compassion for all the animals we brought home, and your understanding when were not in the best of moods. Thank you for the friendship and interest you showed in my friends who showed up for dinner and to play. Thank you for finding me, when I got lost in Famous at age 6 or 7. Thanks for the first grade party and many more, always making me feel so special.
I remember when you provided all the encouragement when I wanted to quit soccer and scouts. We wrestled with other projects and hobbies, but ultimately you helped me decide with some reasoning on my own. It always worked out.
And, when I got more serious with sports you continued to encourage me and made games when you could and always were genuinely interested in the outcome. I remember you always saved me a little dinner on those nights when I arrived late after practices.
You drove me to get wisdom’s teeth removed, and car accident bridges; you also stopped for refreshments to ease my pain.
We couldn’t have ever expected to get so……much culture through your hard work and long hours at TWA. WOW! What great trips and we learned so much! Everyone in class was so envious as it gave a nod up in school when we brought stories, pictures, and relics from all over the world. Camping and Motels on trips coast to coast, train rides (The St. Louis Dinner Cruise was Fabulous!), trams, Disneyland, Silver Dollars in Branson, and Lake Taneycoma too!
I don’t want to forget all………and I the mean all the SUPERB meals that you put your individual personal touch on to make them taste just right! HUGE BREAKFAST for HOLIDAYS. Making CHRISTMAS COOKIES for days or just for the heck of it! Kept me out of trouble….too. We even tried lots of cultural dishes from Fish to Fondue, Mexican to Hungarian, Bar-b-cue and Chineese dishes.
How about all the times you sewed my pants and zippers. Butterfly stitches and bumps on the head, all were given your special attention and love.
Last minute decisions for college and special loans too. You made sure I had wheels so I could get to games, parties and work. Taught me how to drive a stick shift at Normandy in the Rambler.
What a terrific help with Andrew and Laura all the time, your special trips to come visit in Houston and Philly, and your treat you gave the kids along with going to Disney World Orlando, Fl. We have all been so blessed.
Support for Donna when things got tough, and times you attended the kids functions even though you may have not always be feeling your best.
So here are the things you instilled in me and I will never forget:
Thank you the things you did without thinking of yourself, so naturally and unselfishly as a mother.
You taught me so much about life; when to trust people, when not to. You taught me when to stick up for myself and when to back down. You provided me the push to try new things, meet people, and get involved!
You set me on my own at a very young age with Camp Chaminade, with an understanding you would still be there if I needed your help.
And from all this I learned. So as far as I am concerned, you did a fabulous job bringing up your first son, considering you didn’t grow up with any brothers.
From my diapers to bunny who proved he could fly out the window on the Canada trip; Flying all over this world; to sometimes getting in and out of mischief from time to time; to the push to attend St. Martin’s CYC Skating…..where I met my great wife Donna, to You and Dad’s visits in Texas and Pennsylvania; to making all the kids special moments; and you making all the backyard Bar-b-cues too………
Thank you for choosing Dad as your devoted husband, and providing me with such wonderful Sisters and Brothers, Nieces and Nephews, Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents, Cousins and Friends.
So it’s these memories and lessons that I wish to revisit, when reflecting on your’s MOM…………………….such “A WONDERFUL LIFE!”
It will be hard not to see your incredible and genuine SMILE, a HUG, a KISS..
(See Below)
There is but one and only one,
Whose love will fail you never,
One who lives from sun to sun,
With constant fond endeavor,
There is but one and only one,
On earth there is no other,
In Heaven a noble work was done
When GOD gave men a Mother.
Prayer of St. Francis
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be considered as to console; to be understood; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is dying that we are born into eternal life.”
- Tom Tevlin
North County Tevlins,
Since Dad died four years ago, we have just seen more and more of our "experienced" members leaving us. There is always a hole in your heart when someone leaves us physically but there's always a warm spot to be found when you think of the times that you had together. We will keep you guys in our prayers and I personally will remember how nice it was to visit you guys up on circle. "Pope Oscar" hasn't been seen for forty years but I'm sure that he would want to say many masses for your family. Please know that you are all loved by the south county Tevlins and enjoy every moment that you have left with Mary Anna
Tom and Cricket Tevlin
- Denise Pleasant
Dear Grandma -
I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have spent so much time with you! You've given us all so many wonderful memories…front porch swings, making snow angels and building snow families (dog and all), Paul’s and my First Communion at the Old Cathedral, trips to the Magic House and Science Museum, root beer floats, leftover mostaccioli, and Christmases at Circle Drive…you taught me “All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth” and to this day I still believe it worked. You somehow always remembered everything that was special to me…to everyone. I can’t tell you how many times you made my day when I’d find a St. Patrick’s Day, Easter or Halloween card in the mailbox. You’re such an amazing role model and as I read these comments I know just how far your love has spread. Thank you to you and Grandpa for raising such an awesome family, for teaching me how important family and faith are, and for setting such a good example of what love is. We’re always going miss you…but every time I look up and see a star twinkle I’ll know it’s you smiling down on us and winking. God bless you Grandma…..I love you!
Love, Denise
- Cathy McConnell
Mary Ann, You and your wonderful family are in my thoughts and prayers. I always enjoyed your visits to the office after your retirement. Amy was always so proud to say her Mom was there. The love you have for her and all your children is such an inspiration. You have always been a blessing to all us TWA'ers. God bless you sweet lady and thank you for all you have done for all of us. We love you! Cathy
- LaVonne M. Frigo
Hi Mary Anna, you and Leo have been on my mind and when Amy called, well, what is that old saying:"Never put off until tomorrow what you should have done today."
Memories, what wonderful memories I have.
Mary Anna, do you remember when we went to Illinois and bought the K-Mart racks for the store. How about the check out counter, and the bell on the drawer, it reminded me of the K-Mart Blue Light Specials.
We had some fun didn't we?
How about the sales at the Airport, all the work the volunteers did and are still doing for Operation Liftoff it is truly unbelieveable and we are very blessed.
We had some good times at the dances, you and Leo make such a lovely couple, your children are truly blessed to have such wonderful parents.
Well Mary Anna, we are still at the training center, but we have moved up to the first floor. The City of St. Louis owns the building and they occupy the fourth floor. GoJet Airlines and Trans States Airlines occupy the first, second and third floors. The two airlines are paying the rent for the Operation Liftoff Store but business is nothing like it was with TWA.We are open three days a week: Carl Breden and I work on Monday, Betty Hamilton and I work on Tuesday (you remember Betty, I believe you both worked together) and Ruth Arp (you worked with Ruthie) Helen Kiriakos and Sandy Taylor work on Wednesday.
Mary Anna, Ruthie fell and broke her hip and has three pins in her hip.Ruthis is at home now but I don't know if she will be coming back to the store any more this year.
Alex, said "Hello" and is doing pretty well. He walks with a cane but keeps himself busy.
Our daughter Kathy and her husband Danny are just fine and Geno is doing well with his business.
I am still busy at the store, helping Operation Liftoff.
Mary Anna, I better close for now, I will remember you and Leo in my prayers.
Love you,
- Danny May
Mrs. Tevlin, This is Danny May, the little boy from next door. I want you to know what a positive impact you and Mr. Tevlin have had in my life. As an awkward little boy, you always encouraged me to try new things and stretch for things that were seemingly out of my reach. You always accepted me in your home to play with ham radio in the basement or just talk about recent events. I learned much from our long conversations. When I was making decisions about going to college you believed that I could be successful even when I wasn’t so sure. Your steadfast faith was a profound influence on my own faith and that carries over into my own family to this day. My lovely wife Marianne and I will be married twenty years this February and we have three children; Larry (18) is a freshman taking engineering at Virginia Tech, Kelly (15) is a sophomore in High school, and Dennis (13) is a seventh grader. I am certain that some of the things that I learned from you are being passed on to them. When you drop a pebble in the pond, the ripples can reach on and on. You have done that for me in my life and it’s easy to see from the wonderful notes I read here that I’m not the only one. I am forever indebted to you. Our prayers will be with you and your family. It must be a wonderful comfort to have such a loving family as yours gathered around you at this time. God bless you.
With much love, Danny May
- Cathy Guerra Hart
My Dearest Aunt MaryAnna,
My heart swells with so many emotions right now. Overwhelming love and warmth is what is greatest. You have always been so very special to me. All those summer trips, swinging on your front porch swing, listening to the thunder storms rolling in - we never saw anything like that in California! All the while, you were there, making sure we were fed, warm (or cool!), and mostly making us feel that we were a natural part of your little family.
My girls love the stories of the VW bus trip and the "Candid Camera" sign and how people on the road responded to it! And our two families driving into the local McDonald's and ordering some
enormous amount of hamburgers, cheeseburgers and french fries!!
And your love extends to my own children. You lovingly mended our Abby's little blankie when the silky was almost completely separated from her most precious possession. I've just returned from visiting her and she still grabs her little blankie - still with your loving stitches on it - during those times when she is missing her American home.
You will remain always in our hearts, memories and in the hope of reunion one day before the glorious throne of our Heavenly King.
I love you Aunt MaryAnna. With all my heart. Thank you for loving me.
Always yours, Cathy Guerra Hart
P.S. To all of you there, we are and will continue to pray for you all -- that our Father's endless mercy and grace will be poured out upon you, that you will find comfort in each other and the love that you have around you. Please do me a big favor and give each other hugs - a lot of hugs, and please give your mom a sweet kiss for me. I love you all so very much. Cass
Kyle Tevlin
Grandma, my prayers are with you always, and your role in my life has been profound, from bringing the amazing man I call my father into my life, to being a loving, joyous grandmother to me and my sisters throughout the years, your contributions will never be forgotten. When I think of my grandma Tevlin, I see your huge smile that lifts the emotions of everyone around. I love you grandma and hope you enjoy the wonderful journey God has constructed for you in the future.
Love, Kyle
Mary Anna,
You and your beautiful family will be in the prayers during Mass at the Notre Dame Grotto.
Gregg Mullen
"To pray for a friend ...is not a futile effort to influence God’s will, but a hospitable gesture by which we invite our neighbors into the center of our hearts. To pray for others means to allow their pains and sufferings, their anxieties and loneliness, their confusion and fears to resound in our innermost selves….It is in and through us that God’s Spirit touches them with his healing presence."
Henri J. Nouwen
- Susan (Halsig) Latham
Mary Anna you, your family and many friends are in our thoughts and prayers. May God comfort and hold you all close as you journey home to Him. Sending our love and prayers - Bob and Susan Latham
- Charles Rojano
Dear Mary Anna
Pearl and I were so sorry to read of your illness. It has been a long time since we have seen you and Leo. Remember the good times we shared while tending the Operation Liftoff Store. It was so long ago, it seems. And the time we tried to outbid each other for two framed TWA promotional advertisements? That was at the Operation Liftoff silent auction. We do have fond memories of such a lovely person that you are. Our prayers are with you and Leo and your family. God Bless You and Keep You.
- Elaine Crawford
Hello Mary Anna. I'm so sorry that you are ill. It's been so long since I've seen you. All my best to you and your family. The TWA family is still connecting us. Love Elaine
- Brenda J Smith
Dear Mary Ann: So many
years have passed since we met. I was just thinking of you and Leo
and how you were doing. It just goes to show that whenever I think
of someone, I just say a prayer. To the Tevlin family, my prayers
are with you. We all called your mother "MA" when we worked at TWA.
Not because of her initials, she was a mother to all of us. Her
sweet smile and beautiful presence kept us all out of trouble from
time to time. I imagine you all know that she was loved and a
blessing to her extended family as well. May God continuously bless
you and keep you in his care. All my love Brenda Smith.
Pam Johnston
Anna, I had no idea that you were ill. Haven't seen you at a TWA
Seniors luncheon lately, but I missed a couple myself due to
conflicts. It was always enjoyable to take breaks & have lunch with
you at Northwest Plaza for good conversation back in our working
days. What a delight to see someone who always had a smile on her
face! Do know that I am keeping you in prayer. Fondly, Pam Johnston
- Ann Neely (TWA)
Mary Anna, I'm sorry to hear of your illness. I want you to know you
were a kind, shining light at TWA. You have always had such grace
and gave inspiration to all of us who needed a loving word from
someone. You have been blessed by your life and family. Thank you
for being my friend. I needed you...God bless you and your family.
Mary Ann , You were such a
delight to work with and I always admired your wonderful
relationship with your family and our church. I remember you asking
us if we had eated breakfast when we worked at earth city. If we
said no, you called Leo and asked him to bring us take out. I was so
upset when I learned of you illness but I was also inspired by your
courage and the love and devotion of you family. My prayers are with
you and I have only one bit of advise..........When St. Peter meets
- Monday, October 29, 2007
Dear Mom I just wanted
to thank you for all your love and support that Mary myself Gwen and
Eric have had thru out all these years I have always felt as part of
the Tevlin family that is because of your and Dads' love when my own
parents passed away almost 10 years ago I knew that I still had a
mom and dad thanks to that love and support my prayers and love go
with you and you will be greatly missed thank you again Love Mark
Sue Moellering
Amy--this is Sue Moellering. Though I did not know your mom well, I
certainly know you, and what a kind and beautiful daughter and
person you are......I think of you often and kindly and remember our
TWA days together....Love and prayers to you and your family.
- Mary C. Tevlin
Hi Mary Anna this is Mary Tevlin. Jack and I just got back in town
from an Art Conference in River Falls Wisconsin across the
Mississippi River from the twin cities. I was checking my emails
when I read this one. While reading I received a call from the
Gannon's that had just read their email. I am very tearfull now as I
write this note to you. Jack and I will be calling to come over and
see you. I will never forget your enthusiasm of us getting married.
You wanted to help so much in our preparation. You called one day
and said, "Mary you have to come to an estate sale right now. They
have the perfect antique bedroom set for you and Jack. You have to
come right now." after thirty years we still have the five piece
bedroom set from the old neighborhood! You have always sent birthday
cards to my kids and Jack and I. You have always been there with
uncle Bud, loving my family. And you will always be there in my
thoughts. I love you very much Aunt Mary Anna and will be seeing you
soon. Mary C. Tevlin
Don Francois
Leo and Mary Anna; Sure sorry to hear this
news. You have many family and friends to help you through this
difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Don & Terry
- Loretta Sandstrom
Mary Anna, Lou and the entire Tevlin
family, you are in our thoughts and prayers. As God calls Mary Anna
home may you find comfort in each other and through your faith,
which can get you through everything. Love and prayers from Dave and
Loretta Sandstrom
- Kevin O'Donnell
Dear Mrs. Tevlin, Yesterday I was
driving back toward St. Louis on a picture perfect autumn day and my
thoughts turned to you and the Tevlin family. I thought of the times
spent together, the little moments as well as big ones – the
ordinary and the extraordinary. I hope that over the years I have
been able to convey how blessed I feel to be part of your family.
The love, support and genuine caring that you, Mr. Tevlin and your
children have extended to me is both gratifying and humbling. The
other reason I feel so connected to your family is that I spent half
of my childhood at your home!!! The memories of all the activities
and adventures that were conceived, plotted and carried out at 7702
Circle Drive is innumerable. You encouraged our activities, spurred
our imaginations and fostered our independence; in hindsight I’m
amazed at your patience and tolerance. Just remembering all that we
did makes me reconsider your status from my second Mother to saint.
As I drove along the highway I recalled so many childhood memories
from Circle Drive: tree houses & forts, army reenactments, soccer
and footballs going to and fro, crabapples, leaf burnings (partial
supervised), vintage Tonka trucks for construction projects, wagon
rides (sans brakes) down any available slope, tire swings, sled
riding, endless wiffle ball games, model airplane building,
chocolate chip cookie baking (mostly eating). Memories of Cub Scout
field trips, your own field trips introducing us to North St. Louis,
Crown Candy, old street car tracks and the Switzer’s licorice
factory. Cardinal baseball games, Mary’s Summer Pre-School, PB&J (or
for Lou PB&Pickles) cut in sailboats or suitcases, summer evenings
swinging on the porch, a cake on the kitchen table, Mr. Tevlin
recounting a tale with the aroma of pipe tobacco in the air as he
repaired a TV in the basement. And let’s not forget the famous,
“front page news” pie eating contest. Leo concocting a multitude of
“winter basement sports” involving some combination of bikes, roller
skates, hockey sticks, bats, balls, pucks and usually some household
appliance, for good measure. You showed wisdom and great discretion
not coming down the basement stairs during these extravaganzas,
rather signaling the end of the game (dinner time) by flickering the
lights on and off – a practice, I later realized, that most Fine Art
Theaters and Opera Houses had subsequently adopted from you. On the
other hand, Mr. Tevlin appeared seemingly undisturbed by the chaos
taking place right outside his Ham radio shack. Then there were the
animals, a small petting zoo of sorts. Dogs, puppies, cats and
kittens in abundance, baby chicks at Easter one year, turtles, fish,
ducks and, of course, rabbits. I would be remiss not to mention the
time Pete, Lou and I tried to recreate the ecosystem of Pasadena
Pond, including transferring fish from said pond, into your
backyard. I wasn’t kidding about the sainthood. The uninitiated
might think this all took place on ten acres in the country, of
course we know better. It all happened in a loving home, on a city
lot at the corner of Circle and Marietta Drives (at the Bug’s Bunny
sign) in the town of Normandy and in our imaginations. It’s been a
journey of a lifetime, thank you for taking me along.
- Love you, Your cuz Grace
Dear Maryanna, My thoughts of you are many and begin with our
childhood and growing up as kids, what good times we had and of
course raising our children and the talks we shared about them,& how
many memories we have made together, Remembering the time in
Florida, how many laughs we had with each other. Those were special
and can never be taken away, your always in my heart and remember
you are loved by many.
- Joe Thurston
Dear Mrs. Tevlin, I don't know you
but I can tell how wonderful a person you are through your son Lou,
he is my agent and a very great person and a wonderful man in God as
well, through Lou I can tell how compassionate of a person you are
and how dedicated and how strong you are as well, you have raised a
very wonderful man who I am very happy to call my friend and agent,
God is good and he has blessed you with a great son, I don't know
the rest of your family either but through Lou and the person he is,
I am sure he is just a small part of how wonderful the rest of the
family is as well...
I want to share a little
prayer that touched my heart when I lost my brother. It helped me
realize that we will always be a family, as we walk this earth and
in Gods home.
We little knew that day that God was going to call
your name
in life we loved you dearly in death we do the same.
broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone;
for part of us
went with you, that day God called you home.
you left us peaceful
memories, your love is still our guide;
and though we cannot see
you, you are always at our side.
our family chain is broken, and
nothing seems the same
but as God calls us one by one, the chain
will link again.
Aunt Mary Anna you said the same words to me at the
family reunion that my Mother said to me before she passed and that
was "I'm tired". Tears are in my eyes as I say that we love you
dearly, we will miss you dearly, but we will meet again!! God has
surely blessed you with all this love and prayers and he will guide
you peacefully home! Love, Tom and Pat Tevlin XOXO
Danny Guerra
Lord, Bless and keep Mary Anna warm in you loving embrace. Fill each
of us with the comfort of your saving grace as we place all of our
hope on You. Thank you for the blessing of this strong servant and
family member Mary Anna Tevlin, and thank you for the time we are
given to enjoy her. In Jesus' Precious Name. Danny Guerra
- Karl (Tampa, Fl)
Mrs.Tevlin, there were numerious times I would come to your home
asking if Pete or Louis could play, you invited me in, once inside
on (numerious occasion) I would find Pete or Louis, well... more
Pete, but they would be sitting at the kitchen table reading from
the Bible, I would ask them why they had to do that? and they would
say they had done somthing wrong or had gotten into trouble or that
my mom just wants us to read it. At that time "reading" the Bible
was the farthest thing from my mind. I just didn't get it! Now
anytime I find myself picking up the Bible and "reading it" that
thought comes into my mind, and I think what a wonderfull mother!
Also, there was a time in my life when I was having major issue's,
you remember, you gave me a placard, (Following the beat of a
different drummer, foot prints in the sand?) I still have that
placard! So you know after reading it (I got it...!) You never know
how these things can affect someones life. You have a Wonderfull,
Loving, family and it's because of your nurturing Love of God it is
these memories that you have given them that will help them get
through the rest of there life! You and your family are always in
our prayer's and may God Bless You! Know this! You have made a
difference in my life and I am Thankfully Blessed!
Jenny James
please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Your mother sounds like a beautiful, faith-filled woman. I know God
will help all of you through this. I am here for you whenever you
need me.
- Brian (Ken and Mary Beth's eldest son),
Eva and Kate
Anna, I am sorry we did not get to see you when we visited America
this summer, but we wanted to let you know that you are fondly in
our thoughts. You have been such a presence in people's lives, and
are loved by so many people. Thank you.
- John & Carrie Sasenick
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dear Mary Anna, the flower of the family. God made you like the
Damask rose, beautiful, strong, many pedaled and a scent that
drifted to unknown distances. The beauty, your shared life with your
love Leo and your wonderful children; the strength, your faith which
you exuded and instilled in your children and all whom you made
contact; strength, empowered from your love of God through all the
trials and tribulations He laid on you; the petals, your soft smile,
beautiful twinkling blue eyes, gentle manner, your gentle words of
encouragement, the look you could give in disappointment but did not
crush a spirit, loving and encouraging words for everyone even those
who hurt you, and of course your wonderful scent, beautiful scent
wafting with love that radiate beams touching those far and near.
Ever since I was small and would visit St. Louis you meant something
special to me. The times we played games, you, Kitty, Joanie and I;
when your parents took us to see Dante in the Park Theatre; when we
slept on the living room floor and played charades; cooked "chicken
soup" on Kitty's new electric (light bulb) stove, when you and Leo
married, that's when South Pacific opened and we all loved the
music. How time has flown but we always stayed close, even when I
was carrying Mark and came to St. Louis to be with John you took
care of John Anthony (John-John) so we could have two days together
- remember, Pete and Lou you thought it was "neat" having a baby in
the house. Your visits to mom down in Vero Beach and she loved
having you and Daniel on his first visit to the ocean. Than it was
John' and my turn when you and Leo came to visit Grace in Vero and
we all had a great time reminiscing, eating Hungarian food, Leo out
in the screen room with his pipe and computer. Louis will carry you
with him now when he visits during spring training in March. You
have spread your scent of love to so many without knowing your
brilliance shown so bright. God wants you with Him so He can share
you with us left behind through what you leave in each one of us.
Hopefully we will do you the honor of spreading your scent to others
as you have done. Our Damask Rose, thank you for being you and
loving us. May God hold you gently in His hand as He leads you home
to His garden in heaven. With love and our continued prayers, Carrie
and John
Dear Aunt Mary Anna, you've been in my thoughts
since seeing Amy on Friday night. I don't really know how to put
into words a description of the love that you have shared with us
throughout our lives, both during the good times and bad. I do know
that your influence in the lives of your children and the many
others in your life show what a wonderful job you've done during the
time you've shared with us. You've raised seven wonderful children,
who have also passed on your loving traits to their spouses and
their own children. I can't think of any better legacy than helping
to make the world a better place because of your influence. You will
be loved and missed forever, but never forgotten. I love you, and
wish you Godspeed to a better place. Send our love to all that you
see. Your nephew, Mike Tevlin
Doug Weiss
Aunt Mary Anna.....It's
hard to know where to start. All the memories of the times we spent
growing up and visiting the big house on Circle Drive. The sleep
overs, Christmas, the Easter Egg hunts fill my memories of a happy
childhood. My favorite was always Christmas...we would always walk
in from the cold and Uncle Leo would have the fire a blazin and
there was always a warm hug from you. The warmth and love that you
put into everything you did made all of our lives special. All of us
have been touched by your love. Many times it was a simple thing
like a birthday card or a hug.....or having you near us at more
difficult times in recent years, you always made me feel better.
Know that you are in my prayers and have Lou give you a big hug for
me....Love Doug
pete sorry about
it. I pray for her, god bless all and good luck the blind guy k ,i
Phyllis and Tom O'Donnell
Dear Mary Anna.... Tom and I want you
to know you are in our prayers. You and your family are such a part
of our Circle Drive memories and of two close families growing up
with all the children darting in and out. Where has the time gone?
We also want to thank you again for your kindness to Satty in her
later years...she always spoke very highly of you and your
family...Lou being almost another son and brother to Kevin. Thank
you for all you have given and may God welcome you with open arms in
heaven....maybe there will be another "Circle Drive " and Satty and
Tom will be there waiting too. Love and peace be with you, Phyllis
and Tom
Paul Pleasant
My Beautiful Grandmother, Thank you -
for all the love that you've given us, for all the ways in which
you've served us, for the simple joys you've shared with us and the
firm hope you've instilled in us. You always looked to the skies and
knew that anything was possible if we put our minds & hearts to it.
You've treasured each one of us so much and blessed us with the
affirmation that each one of us is special ... Well, I want you to
know how special you are, how much you've meant to me, and how
beautiful you are. Your love for Grandpa has been SO beautiful ...
you've been there through thick & thin, and stayed committed to love
him for all of your life ... you've stuck to your word, your
committment (even when things weren't so easy, when we get hurt and
things don't turn out like we expected). Your committment to love
Grandpa & be there with him, to help raise our family, is a
beautiful treasure ... you've laid a foundation for love that stays
true in marriage & family, resolving to work through things and keep
your eyes fixed on the hope of God's plans for our lives. Thank you,
from the bottom of my heart, for working past your fears & pains ...
for your sticking to your covenant of love. It will continue to
bless us for generations to come. Thank you for the simple joys &
treasures that you've shared with us ... I'll always remember the
Christmases we got to spend in St. Louis at Circle Drive with
everyone - the big Christmas tree, the warm fireplace, making snow
angels in the front yard, the smell of hospitality in the kitchen,
playing soccer in the backyard, the little licorice candies you gave
us from Lammes, getting to stay upstairs under your roof - being a
part of such a loving & beautiful family, your love for different
cultures & the adventure to see the world ... the Light always
shining through the stained glass window in the stairway, your soft,
gentle touch that you shared in loving me when we had quality time
together, the sweet fragrance of vanilla that you carried with you,
the cream white color of magnolia flowers - of earthly beauty &
purity - which you embody, for your words of affirmation, how you
served us with love for so many years and for the twinkle in your
eyes that you shared with us in finding beauty, in finding joy. I
thank you for the desire to learn and grow in education that you've
given to us. You have a rich mind with many thoughts, and I admire
how intelligent you are. You've known that education - growing in
knowledge - and communication in relationships are part of the
essential things that make hope possible ... in our relationship
with God and how we interact with the world. There is always more to
read, more to learn ... ways we can grow, ways we can help others &
improve the quality of life. Thank you for your commitment to serve
& love others. You've always wanted to help people take flight ...
to go see the world, to meet new people & see different cultures. It
is a beautiful gift you've given us. It opens our eyes to new
things, to new perspectives & helps us appreciate what we have here.
My first trip to Europe this summer was an amazing journey ... to
see the old lands, their distinct cultures & people, their rich
heritage & history (with castles & stories thousands of years old),
to taste the foods, the wines & see the land, to hear their hearts
and see their perspective of the USA & the world, and to celebrate
life with new, beautiful friends. It was truly amazing and opened up
new possibilities for what life can be like. Thank you for opening
that door - for me & for our family - that we really can take flight
& see what's beyond the horizon ... Well, it seems that your next
flight is ready - your next adventure to new lands. The Captain
knows the way well. He's trustworthy & I know He'll take care of
you. I pray that your flight is not turbulent but that you can rest
in the peace of knowing the Captain - Jesus. He's been on this
journey before & He's come back to show us that it will be okay ...
actually that it will be good - full of Life & Joy on the otherside,
redemption for our frail bodies. I know that His love for you will
never fade ... the same covenant of love which you've shared with
us. I ask that God would fill you with the peace of trusting Him and
a vision for the glorious beauty that's to come - to be with the
Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit and all the heavenly host of
angels & saints. May the sun rise in your spirit and give you joy in
the flight you'll now take to Hope itself, to be with the One who
gives us Love eternally. I love you Grandma - always know that. God
will take care of us & serve us as you have. Know that I will always
see you as a beautiful woman who has loved till the end. I will
continue to walk and treasure the values, the covenants & the faith
which you've given me. Your loving grandson, Paul Pleasant P.S.
Don't forget to raise & lower the shade on the airplane window for
us who are staying at the airport ... Have a wonderful flight
Grandma! We love you!
John and Betty Posh
Dear Cousin, you are and will always be
in our prayers. God bless you.
- Janine Hozzian
MaryAnna, You are in my thoughts and
prayers. Your warm smile is something that will never be forgotten.
Most importantly your gentle nature and beautiful heart will always
remain with me. As you transition, may you be engulfed in God's love
and may the angels be waiting to sound their trumpets as you enter
God's Kingdom. I know that so many will be waiting for you on the
other side and I know Aunt Goldie will be right there to welcome you
home. Though our hearts are sad we know that one day, we will all be
together again and what a reunion that will be! You truly are an
inspiration to so many people. You will be missed dearly but you
will remain in our hearts forever. You can now rest knowing that
your job here on earth is done. I leave with you loads of love, hugs
and kisses from your family in Chicago but most of all I wish you
comfort, love, and peace.
Peggy and Nick
Dear Cousin Mary Anna, where does the
time go? We were just kids gowing up in Chicago, all the cousins
always together playing. Next we all were married going different
ways, you in St. Louis with your dear Leo, me in Chicicago with my
Nick, Goldie with her Tony, Johnnie and Betty in Milwaukee, I'm not
naming everyone we'd be here forever. Through the years we always
stayed close through letters, visits and phone calls. You have been
in my daily prayers and will remain so even as you leave us all to
be with God in your heavenly reward. Go in peace with the angles, He
will welcome you into His kingdom with joy. Love you, Peggy and Nick
- Susie O'Donnell Schuster
The Tevlin's were a big part of the
Circle Drive group. Loving to travel, I always thought Mrs. Tevlin's
association with the airline industry was so great and the fact that
she could get discounts in travel was awesome. She was always so
interested in what I was doing and gave me some unique gits from
Ireland and elsewhere for special events in my life. She truly cared
about our Mom calling her frequently and stopping by to check in
with her. Please know that each of you are very much in my thoughts
and prayers!
- Becky, John, Jack and Katie
Mrs. Tevlin, You are truly an
inspiration. You have been an excellent example of what a Christian
wife and mother should be. Now, having only two children myself, I
cannot imagine how you raised all of your children with such
patience and dedication. Your children exemplify and eminate the
Catholic values of which you have been a fabulous example. I have
appreciated all of the cards you have sent over the years, as I am
horrible at that, and all of the insights that you have passed along
over the years, via Amy. The Kloepfer and Gannon families are
praying for you and your family and would like you to know that we
love you! May you see God's light on the path ahead When the road
you walk is dark. May you always hear, Even in your hour of sorrow,
The gentle singing of the lark. When times are hard may hardness
Never turn your heart to stone, May you always remember when the
shadows fall— You do not walk alone.
- Carrie Carmona
Dear Mrs. Tevlin, I have only met you
with you and your husband once briefly, at Kyle's Eagle Scout
ceremony. I am a friend and neighbor of Pete's in Houston and have
served some time with him in in the Boy Scouts I know that Pete is a
devoted son, husband and father and you raised him (and I'm sure
your other children as well) with great guidance and love. I see
that in turn he passes this on to his family. He is also a great
friend and role model to the young Scouts. In turn, I try to be a
good friend and neighbor to him and his family. Kim and Pete are
doing an outstanding job parenting Kyle, Shannon and Kristen which
we all know is very hard to do in these times. Know that your work
here is done and my family and I pray for your loving transition
from this life and that you will carried peaceably to God's hands.
Love and Peace, Carrie Carmona
- Kristin
- Friday, October 26, 2007
Dear Grandma, I love you. I am so sorry you are sick. I know you will soon be in God’s care and looking over all of us. I am forever grateful for everything we have done together like when we made cookies and threaded popcorn together at Christmas. I really liked seeing the penguins at the Zoo. I will miss you so very much. If it were not for you I would not be here. I promise that I will obey my parents and God’s wishes forever. God bless you and may you rest in peace. Hugs and kisses. Love, Kristin your Granddaughter
Daniel Halsig
- Friday, October 26, 2007
Grandma, you have had such a profound
influence on my life that it is hard for me to explain. From so many
letters, cards and telephone calls and the ever so rare visits, you
imparted upon me a profound appreciation for so many important
things in my life. I remember so the many Christmases that I spent
with Grandpa and you, celebrating the some of the most important
aspects of the holidays, family and togetherness. I also remember
the green and red m&ms that you always left out and upon which I
gorged myself. I remember so many trips to the toy store to get the
Legos that I would play with during my entire stay in St. Louis. I
remember the spaghetti and meatballs that you would always serve, my
personal favorite. The trip to Disneyworld and Florida, my first
trip to the beach and ocean which as so important a part of my life
now, will always be in my mind. You have done so very much to expand
my perspective and grant me so many new experiences. I give you all
of my thoughts and prayers. I will never forget you or your impact
upon who I am today. I would not be the same without you, and for
that I am very grateful.
Peter Tevlin
Dear Lord, Please guide us and provide
peace to our dear and loving Mother as she approaches Your Kingdom.
Help us to recognize the sadness we feel as a gift from Your
enormous heart; swelling with pride at the prospect of receiving
such a good and loving woman home. Mom has lived a life that
personified Your example of noble giving of self to others yet with
firm guidance for those in her charge. That gift is a testament to
the greatness of Your divine mercy -to allow us the wonderful
education and experiences of life with her that we remember so
fondly. Please bring the peace of Your Holy Spirit upon us all in
our times of grief and help us to convert these feelings into a
celebration of her spirit! Thank you Lord, for Your many blessings
to us in the person of Mary Anna Fouch Tevlin; our dear wife,
Mother, teacher and friend! In Jesus name we worship and offer
praise. Amen. |