PC Safety and VNC Instructions.doc

Instructions for installing safe computing tools and remote access using Virtual Network Computing:

Go to Tevlin Links (or http://www.tevlin.org/links.htm). Save this as Favorite/Shortcut/Bookmark for later.

I recommend Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Uninstall of the M$ Office student version and its generous 60 days of free Office usage,

DL & install Open Office (free clone, very good) or use ZOHO (online).


I recommend Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Uninstall of Norton AV and Live Update (with their generous 60 days of free AV updates) after you:

Install Free AVG AntiVirus:

On Tevlin Links  under Downloads, Spyware, Web Safety & Security, click AVG to download the latest version of the free Grisoft AntiVirus program.
(I'd add a link here to the latest version; but then I'd have to keep coming here to update it).

Install using defaults. Accept, Next, Next, OK, Finish. Completed. A bubble pops up saying Out-of-Date- that’s okay.

The next box is a congratulations screen, Next, Next, Skip update for now, do the rescue diskette build if desired (and if you have a floppy drive), Next, Next, Finish. Click the button next to Check for Updates, Click the Internet Button (check the “Don’t ask me again” box), Update. Close all

Right click on AVG Icon  in the system tray and Check for updates until it says “No updates are available date".

It will Autoupdate when you boot or daily and Autorun a virus scan. If a virus is detected, Choose to Remove it.

As time goes by if the AVG icon in your system tray (by the clock) is grey , it cannot update itself. Right click on it and choose "Check for updates". It should be colored .

I also recommend installing Windows Defender to catch and remove spyware and similar junk. Requires a validation step, no problem really.

Install VNC (remote control software)

On Tevlin Links under Web Tools:

Click on AppDL after VNC (or http://www.realvnc.com/dist/vnc-4.0-x86_win32.exe). Choose RUN. Install it using defaults. Set a password that you will remember when prompted. A white Vnc icon appears in your system tray, this indicates the “server” component is loaded as a “service”. Step by Step install, if needed, is here: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=432807&rl=1


Install Windows Defender

On Tevlin Links under Downloads, Spyware, Web Safety & Security  Click Micro$oft Defender.  (or http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/d/0/ed099d5e-dc60-4740-8747-1c72f053b800/WindowsDefender.msi).  Follow the instructions on-screen to go through the Windows validation procedure then download and install Windows Defender. After it installs, it will ask a few questions (Accept), then it updates itself and runs a spyware scan. Remove any threats it finds, except VNC, which you can choose to Ignore Permanently (it is not spyware but is categorized as a threat because it is a method for accessing your computer by another computer). I can show you how to make VNC prompt you for approval before someone can connect.

 To access the server computer remotely using EchoVNC:

On Tevlin Links under Web Tools, click Echo (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/echovnc/EchoVNC_1.40a_Setup.exe?use_mirror=umn) and install it using defaults.

To access the server computer remotely (using VNC only and opening ports through a router):

On another computer, you will be a “client” to the “server” we set up earlier.  Install VNC as described above. Run the VNC Viewer program: Start | All programs | RealVNC | VNCViewer. Have someone who is at the Server PC point their mouse over the white Vnc icon in the system tray. The IP address of the server is shown briefly. The numbers you type into the viewer are based on the type of network connection the server has:

·         If the number is, the server is not connected or online. You won’t be able to connect to it. Make sure they can at least surf the net before going further.

·         If it reads 192.168.x.x or 10.10.x.x the server PC is connected to a router/firewall. You have to either:
A. Bypass the router temporarily, connect network cable directly from the cable modem to the server PC.
B. “Open” a path through the router/firewall. Go to http://www.portforward.com, Click Forwarding (in the middle top), choose the model number of their router, choose VNC for instructions. To check if you’ve got forwarding set up correctly, go to http://www.gotomyvnc.com and click the button that shows the IP address their router got from their ISP. This site will query their IP Address and will show if you are set up properly.
You (the VNC client) are going to need to know the IP address that the router/firewall gets from the ISP. It’s shown on the button on Gotomyvnc or you can use http://www.whatismyip.com from the server.

·         If it reads x.x.x.x that is not one of those shown above, type that [IP Address number set] into the VNC Viewer and Enter. You will be prompted for the password that was entered into the VNC server.

When you are connected as the client, you can right click in the blue header to send Ctrl+Alt+Del. The Vnc icon in the server system tray turns black too.

Another variable is if the server PC has Zone Alarm or another Firewall program installed, disable it temporarily to make remote contact. If it is Windows XP and is updated to SP2, the Windows Firewall program is automatically installed. This is a good thing to have but it blocks VNC traffic unless you make an exception for VNC. Do this by clicking Start | Run and type in WSCUI.CPL and hit enter, click on the brick wall, uncheck “Don’t allow exceptions”, click on the Exceptions tab, click the Add Program, then Browse buttons. Navigate to (or type in) "c:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC4\winvnc4.exe" (without the quotes) and click the Open button, OK, OK. You might have to reboot for this to stick.